Navigating the Mortgage Application Process: A Comprehensive Guide
There are a multitude of reasons why a homeowner may be considering refinancing their mortgage. However, before any final decisions are made it is always a good idea to consider carefully whether refinancing is a good idea for you.
Economic Insights from Dr. Sherry Cooper
The impact on the economy of higher interest rates has a long lag. The full effects of the tightening will not be evident for a few more years. Given that most Canadian mortgage borrowers renew their mortgages every five years, the largest impact is yet to come. Nevertheless, higher interest rates have slowed the most interest-sensitive sectors.
Teaching Kids About Money
Not only does financial literacy help your children have more success in life, but it allows them to move out sooner and it avoids delaying your retirement with additional expenses to support them.
Planning to buy your first home in Canada?
The Canadian government has recently launched an incentive to assist with the down payment of your first home.
A tax-free registered account to help first-home buyers
From April 1, 2023, as a first-home buyer in Canada you are eligible to register for a tax-free First Home Savings Account (FHSA).
Should You Refinance Your Mortgage?
There are a multitude of reasons why a homeowner may be considering refinancing their mortgage. However, before any final decisions are made it is always a good idea to consider carefully whether refinancing is a good idea for you.